Today I made another batch of bread. Actually, two - one a whole grain, sweet batch, and one a milk/egg "white" batch. I expect 2 loaves from each. Also, since the weather has turned for good this year, I went ahead and started this year's sourdough. It's currently percolating away on the high shelf over the stove.
Knitting wise, I gave up on that unfinished pair of blue and white socks. I frogged it, and started over on something else. It's another original thing. No details, though, because I think this is going into my "possible publishing" file, and I want it to be submittable if it works out the way I want it to. Expect pics of BabyJ modelling it, whether it gets published or not (if not, it's going up on my site and the design diary goes here).

The other day, my mom impulse bought me a set of felting needles. I love these things and have wanted some for quite some time. I like felting, and sculpting, and the ability to felt and sculpt with wool is a wonderful thing. As a thank you, I made mom this little cat, and it sits on her desk now, looking like it's hunting microscopic mice. Its front end isn't as great (looks more stuffed-animal like than "real cat" - Mom wants me to use glass eyes next time), but I think I really captured that CatLoaf thing, don't you?
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