Hats For Alex (if you aren't a member of Knittyboard, you'll have to sign up), and a pattern here for the hats.

A Print O' the Wave stole from Eunny Jang's pattern for my mom, from this:

I'm also making her a set of lace-trimmed undersleeves and a matching necker...thing, which I'm redacting from the 1855 pattern for "warm undersleeves" on this page. I'm using Knitpicks Pallette in Cream, with a handspun blue laceweight single I hand-dyed for the contrast color.

Watch this blog for notes on the progress of the project, and eventually for a posting of the redacted pattern with other sizes, plus the neckpiece and variations. Eventually, I'd like to try a sweater, but we'll see how the smaller pieces go.
I'm making a pair of toe-up socks for each of my kids - the blue ones in the picture started out as a big-brother gift for my older son, but they are now going to be for my younger one. Big brother gets a pair in red and yellow (favorite colors).

Oh, those are another set of my homemade birch circs. Version 1, as a matter of fact.
My Big Secret, which is planned as a Knitty pattern submission. All I'm going to say is that it's a hat, and it's felted. And that it's taking forever to work out what the heck I'm intending to do as I go. I've been throught six charts, five revisions of instructions and four swatches now. And I'm not even to the different sizes yet! If it ever gets done, and if it gets accepted for publication, I'll be posting how-I-got-there-from-here after the fact diary blog entries once it's published.
A new baptism bonnet for boy#2, as he has ALREADY outgrown the one I made while I was pregnant:

The new one is not on the needles yet, but I have to have it done in time for Thanksgiving, as he's being baptised (Anglican) during the service that week. It'll probably be done in something I have on hand, but I'm not starting it until I've finished my Hats for Alex contributions.
There's more, much more, in the planning/stash building stages, but this all the really active stuff.
Screaming baby, must go. More later.
Nice blog - I love the background.