Useful for fixing diagonally broken or cracked cylindrical objects, and also for creating a gripping area where needed (say, on wooden crochet hooks, cooking utensils, tools, etc).
Cut a length of cord or buttonhole thread, say about 2 -3 feet long, to give you plenty of working thread. If you will be wrapping a large cylinder, or a long area, don't cut the thread off the spool. At one end, make a loop longer than the length of the intended wrap.

Lay the loop lengthwise on the shaft, then wrap a few rounds tightly around over the dangling thread end, leaving enough to grab later. You work from the cut end and the first wrap, toward the loop.

Continue to wrap the rest of the thread tightly around the shaft, over the loop, until you've covered the area you want with closely, tightly wrapped thread. If you are repairing an item and the crack is longer than you thought, use a longer thread and keep wrapping until it's covered, but don't cover that loop up!

To finish, take the tail end of the thread and thread it through the loop, then pull the first end thread until the tail is down under the tightly wrapped threads. Trim any extra thread off, and secure with a few drops of superglue.

This can be done with twine, rope, wire, thread, yarn - just adjust the material to the intended purpose.
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